Our company

Inaugurated on november the 28th, Silvadec FIBRES is a joint-venture and the result of a collaboration between Silvadec, european leader of Wood Plastic Composite and the sawmill Josso, a significant player of the wood pallet and sawn wood manufacturing.

The company is the result of the meeting of Silvadec’s executives, Philippe Crez and Bénédicte Jézéquel and Claudine Josso , CEO of the Sawmill Josso.


At that time, the Sawmill Josso had doubled its production capacities and saw the growth of its activity generate 35 000 m3 of sawdust In addition Silvadec was meeting more and more difficulties to supply wood flour. Silvadec FIBRES emerged after two years of negociation between Silvadec and Josso and a 2.5 million euros investment allowing the satisfaction of common interests for both companies. Thus, thanks to Silvadec FIBRES, Silvadec can improve the control of its supply in wood flour and ensure its growth and Josso can benefit from a regular customer for its sawdust.

Silvadec FIBRES’s values

  • Sustainable forests management. The wood flour is produced in a new building complying with environmental rules. Silvadec FIBRES’s chain of custody is PEFC certified (download certificate). This european label guarantees to the consumers that the wood stamped PEFC or products based on this wood come from forests managed in a sustainable way. It is a modern company with new equipment, developed in accordance with ICPE laws
  • Short distribution channels / circular economy. Silvadec FIBRES favors a proximity approach in the context of circular economy: Josso’s sawdust becomes the Silvadec raw material.
  • Reduction of carbon footprint : Silvadec was used to get its wood flour from the entire France and the sawmill Josso was used to deliver its wood flour in the entire country. Thus, both companies have significantly reduced their carbon footprint.
  • Job creation : 7 jobs were created.